
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

freeaakkkk ouuttt

now that midwest existential is up, running, and open, it's good to have a day to reflect and relax, but i'm still stressed.  my next show opens in a couple of weeks.  i will be showing with my friend and fellow purdue alum, Justin Vining, and 3 other guys at the Upland Brewery Room at Murphy Arts Center in Indianapolis.  It promises to be a fun, high energy show, and i have no clue as of right now what exactly i'm going to be showing.

i went down to the studio yesterday to clean up my mess from the previous work, start filtering through the midwestern landscapes show, and trying to figure out what to show in indy.  it's always a process when i'm reworking a show/idea.  and hopefully this one won't take too long and i won't have to make too much new work (i mean the show opens march 1st, how much could i possibly crank out in that time span).  with the other work, i'm going to have limited space this time, but hopefully we'll have a fun addition or 2 we can make for this event.  right now, my piece will be titled midwest invasion (i seem to have a running theme here for some reason or another).  but we'll see where this goes after i get things organized and figure out what i can do with it.

ok so i just looked at the calendar.  i have 10 days to finish up.  not 2 weeks...freeaakkkk ouuttt...

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