
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

A favor to ask ...

We have a favor to ask! If you live in NYC, would you consider taking some time out of your day to participate in a flash mob/ singing birthday surprise for a special little girl on her 12th birthday on 12/12/12? Here are some more details, and here's the message our awesome cousin, Bill McKinley, shared on Facebook ...

Okay, Magical Holiday Elves, I need your help in creating a miracle by this Wednesday, December 12th.

Here's the scoop: My best-friend-since-eighth-gradeRuth's daughter Julia is celebrating her birthday this week, but not just any birthday. A number of years ago, Julia started referring to this year's birthday as her "golden birthday" because she will turn 12 on 12.12.12.

A little info on Julia: she was adopted by Ruth and her partner Jean at the age of one, malnourished and completely the dictionary definition of failing to thrive. If you could see her now! So smart and funny and outgoing and one of the most popular girls in her class...such a remarkable change. A testimony to the power of love, as well as a tribute to nontraditional families if ever there was one.

Innyhoo, here's the miracle part. Unbeknownst to Julia, Ruth and Jean are taking her to NYC this week, and on 12.12.12 at 12:12 p.m., they are going to take her photo under the clock in Grand Central.

I want so badly to be there, but I just can't swing it. Instead, I want to gather the biggest surprise flash mob I can to sing Happy Birthday to Julia and to shower her with birthday cards.

SO, Magical Holiday Elves, I'm asking your help in mustering all the NYC-based fun & loving people I can to surprise Julia on Wednesday. I want to find a point person to meet everyone else early and set everything up, and I want people to video it all from different angles as a souvenir.

I figure FB is a great way to get the word out, and I'm hoping my friends and their friends and friends of friends can spare a few minutes to help make Julia's birthday truly Golden.

Please let me know your thoughts, your ideas on resources, etc., and let's make some magic happen!


Thank you all for reading! We appreciate you and would love for you to spread the word!

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