
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

winamac: mural day 4

we're nearing the finish of the mural.  we filled in another 1/3 of the imagery today.  i've got a couple of stencils to cut this afternoon and then hopefully tomorrow we'll put on the finishing touches.  here's some photos from today's work!

volunteers hard at work filling in all the imagery

'stitching' in all the 'patches' is giving a nice detail to the overall piece.
'american gothic' updated


  1. We made a special drive by to see the Mural...They were working on the paintings...The Mural is perfect for Winamac; a huge quilt depecting all our heritage; farmers, storefronts, houses, cars, trucks, etc. all representing our agricultural area...I can't wait to see what happens next. And when the project is finished. Great job for all who had a hand in designing, painting, etc.

  2. oops, you caught me sitting down on the job! Thanks for another great day of painting.
