
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

the first day of summer ...

We returned home to a garden that wasn't doing too good. After being away for five weeks, our little herb garden is dead save for the sage, thyme, oregano, and rosemary. Our tomato plants are scrawny but there are a few baby tomatoes growing. The peppers don't look hot, but we think we can nurse them back to life. The same goes for the lavender, the strawberries, and the blueberry bushes.

The good thing is, it's the first day of summer and still early enough for us to start over. So we went back to Bennett's today and bought ourselves seeds for a variety of lettuces, okra, and a whole bunch of different herbs. And as usual, Zach let me pick out a fun plant. This time, I chose an aloe vera plant. The summer heat irritates my skin and I am hoping the aloe will help sooth my itchies. Aloe is also easy to grow and sustain throughout the year, so that's a bonus for me when I have to deal with winter rash. Sigh ...

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