
Monday, April 9, 2012

mural: page 1

panel 1

i'm currently working on a mural for downtown lafayette with a group of high school students in tippecanoe arts federation's after school arts program.  we are installing a gigantic version of one of my assemblage paintings in the alleyway alongside artists's own.  the piece is in 3 panels that combine to create a 6ft tall by 17ft long construction.

it has been a task to build these panels and after we finish painting them, mounting them on the brick wall, i'm certain, will be no less arduous.  the point of the project is to create a piece of public art that is relevant and reminiscent and meaningful to the up-and-coming nature of the downtown area.  the theme of the piece is music and beyond that, local music, and what it means to our town.
panel 2

i slopped the first coat of primer on the panels last night and i musta felt like some mark twain or tom sawyer, all white warshin' them panels and shit.  maybe the oil primer was leaking into my brain and the brush got heavier and heavier the more i dipped into the bucket.  but after an hour or so, i had them all primed and ready to rest, so i can come back in the morning and put another coat of primer on them.  i'm hoping that building

with water/weather resistant materials like sign board and cedar, then applying a nice thick coat or 2 of primer will help this piece last out in the elements for a long time.  i can't wait to see it with snow on its ledges in the winter time.

panel 3
after the priming is complete, i'll leave them to dry all day on wednesday, then on thursday my class will start painting them.  i'll be outside with brushes and students and we'll be working on these until they're finished.  keep up with the progress on here.

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